Curriculum Statement
Please find our whole school curriculum statement which includes the long term overviews for EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 and Forest School.
It shows each topic and focus areas on a half termly basis.
HSM curriculum statement KS1 and Forest school (EYFS&KS1)
Subject Intent, Implementation and Impact
Art and Design Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Computing Intent, Implemention and Impact Statement
EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Forest School Intent, Implementation and Impact
Geography Intent, Implementation and Impact
History Intent, Implementation and Impact
Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact
Music Coordinator Subject’s Intent, Implementation and Impact
PE Intent, Implementation and Impact
Reading and Phonics Intent, Implementation and Impact
Science Intent, Implementation and Impact
Please find our progression map and our SPAG overview to show progression from EYFS to Year 2.
HSM writing progression map EYFS to year 2
Please find our progression map for music and School Development Plan for music here: