Our topic this term is ‘Amazing Adventures’. In this unit, children will explore why some people are considered to be significant, before going on to learn about some significant explorers. Children will learn about the explorations of famous explorers, for example, Ibn Battatu and Matthew Henson. Children will explore their own journeys they make and take inspiration from explorers they have studied.
Who’s in our team?
Sunshine 1 –Miss Hook is your teacher and Mrs Kirby, Mrs Maslak, Mrs Petrosian and Ms Francis work with you in class as well.
Sunshine 2 – Mrs Butler is your teacher and Mrs Kirby, Miss Lee, and Mrs Maslak work in class with you as well.
Mrs Way will be teaching you on Wednesday mornings.
Mrs Law teaches Music in both classes each week.
Forest School
Forest School will be on Wednesday for both Sunshine 1 and Sunshine 2.
We are lucky enough that this year we are able to offer Forest School sessions all year round.
Mrs Tucker will be teaching forest school to both classes every Wednesday. Please ensure your child wears suitable clothing, we will be outside in all weathers, (except high winds or thunder). As last year, we would like children to bring their Forest School clothing into school with them in a named bag. Please see the ‘Forest School’ page for more information on suitable clothing.
We do lots of outdoor activities throughout the year so please provide your child with a pair of named wellies which we will keep outside of the classroom on our welly rack for easy access.
On PE days, your child will be required to come to school in their PE kit and wear it for the day. We will go outside for PE when the weather permits so please ensure your child wears a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt / fleece in a dark colour for the colder weather.
PE days for each class remain as follows:
Tuesday and Friday.
Mrs Law will teach the children music on a Monday afternoon.
Please find the music overviews for the year here:
Year 1 Music Overview Summer1&2
Year 1 Music Overview Spring1&2
Year 1 Music Overview Autumn1&2
‘Learning Logs’
At the beginning of each half term a list of objectives will be posted below. For the Autumn term, this list will be sent home after October half term. Please choose one task to complete each week. There are more objectives than the number of weeks so you have a wide range of activities and subject areas to choose from. If you would like to support your children at home, these objectives have been provided for that purpose but there is certainly no pressure to complete them all. The objectives are linked to the work covered in class during the half term. Please send your child’s ‘Learning Log’ into school when they have completed a piece of work and we will return it with feedback.
Bookbags will need to be brought into school daily and we will change the books weekly for your child to read at home. Your child/ren will be sent home with a phonics sound mat, please use this to support them with their reading at home.
Below are the resources that were mentioned in the YR 1 phonics meeting.
Need to catch up?
Our class email addresses are below. Please use these for non-urgent queries and information, as we will not be able to check emails whilst we are teaching during the day. We ask that if you have something urgent to let us know please email the school office where it can be dealt with more quickly. Please also use the school office email to report if your child is absent as they will need to update the register straight away.
With best wishes for a very exciting year,
The Sunshine Team