Our Curriculum
At Haddenham St Mary’s CE School we are proud of our creative curriculum. We make the most of our wonderful school grounds for learning opportunities outdoors. We link areas of the curriculum with themes and projects and we enrich the curriculum with a variety of events, trips and visitors to schools.
Click on the slides below to read more about Our Values and our Curriculum.
We work hard to provide a stimulating, caring and fun environment where individuals are supported and encouraged. ‘Every Child Matters’ is a central principle for our school and key to the curriculum. We support every child to:
- Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic well being
In the Reception classes we build on the national Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum with a focus on developing appropriate habits, attitudes and skills, for learning. At Key Stage 1 we include all the core and foundation subjects specified in the National Curriculum as well as personal, social and health education. We ensure we have a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils and provide many exciting and memorable experiences.
Please see our recovery curriculum for autumn term 1 2020: Recovery Curriculum Sept 2020 final
Please see our curriculum statement: HSM Curriculum Statement