SKY 1 | SKY 2 |
Who’s in our team?
Who’s in our team?
Happy New Year! We hope everyone has had a happy and healthy break and is ready for all the new learning we have planned.
Please note that our PE days will be changing to Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the Spring Term.
See below for the new Learning Log tasks and our topic web outlining what we will be covering in the Spring Term.
Parent Information – Sky Meet the Teachers:
Sky Topics
The topic for this term is ‘Through the Keyhole’.
In this topic, we will be looking back in time and comparing our lives now to the lives of children in 1666 London as well as Victorian Britain (after half term)
In Art, we will be focusing on sculptures and learning about the work of some key artists (including Marc Quinn, Michelle Reader and Barbara Hepworth)
Learning Log
At the beginning of each half term we will upload a list of activities that link to our topic for children to carry out at home if they wish- please choose one task to complete each week. If you would like to support your child at home, these objectives have been provided for that purpose but there is certainly no pressure to complete them all. Please send your child’s ‘Learning Log’ into school on a Tuesday (if they have completed any work) and we will aim to return them on a Friday.
There is an English, Phonics and Maths lesson each day and every other week, the classes have an extended writing session called ‘Big Write’ where they will write independently. The children are set personalised writing targets to achieve.
Each week, we also study an aspect of Geography / History in ‘Topic’, as well as Science, Music, R.E., Computing and PSHE (Personal, Social Health and Economic education). We incorporate Art and STEM activities into each Topic.
Forest School
Both Sky classes will have a Forest School session on Thursdays this term. Mrs Tucker is our Forest School Leader. This year, we would like children to bring their Forest School clothing into school with them in a named bag.
- Sky 1 and Sky 2 will have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Sky will have PE twice a week and children should come into school wearing their PE kit, (or clothing suitable for PE).
We are keen for the children to love reading and to practise at home on a daily basis where possible. Please make sure they bring both their reading record and reading books in their book bags every day. Each child will be heard to read at least once a week by an adult in the classroom.
Times Tables
The expectation by the end of Year 2 is that the children know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Alongside understanding the processes involved in multiplying and dividing, the children need to be able to quickly recall times table facts. To aid the latter, we will begin ‘Cracking Times Tables’ at the start of this term. This is the scheme for monitoring the learning of multiplication facts. The children will be expected to learn times tables at home (about 5-10 minutes each day is ideal) and they will be tested each week in class. The learning and testing are based around a series of ten levels – click on the link below.
‘Oxford Owl’ has helpful suggestions to aid your child with learning their times tables: Oxford Owl – Times Table tips.
Our class email addresses are below. Please use these for non-urgent queries and information, as we will not be able to check emails whilst we are teaching during the day we ask that if you have something urgent to let us know please email the school office where it can be dealt with more quickly. Please also use the school office email to report if your child is absent as they will need to update the register straight away.
With best wishes for a very exciting year ahead!
The Sky Team