Rainbow 1 Rainbow 2
Who’s in our team?

  • Mr Williams (Monday-Friday)
  • Ms Booth (Monday-Friday)
  • Mrs Martinez (Monday-Friday)
  • Mrs Taourit (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)
  • Mrs Burch (Thursday)
  • Mrs Law teaches Music
  • Email: rainbow1@haddenham-st-marys.bucks.sch.uk
Who’s in our team?

  • Miss Longman (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) 
  • Mrs Wrigglesworth (Thursday and Friday)
  • Ms Booth (Monday-Friday)
  • Miss Allsopp (Monday-Friday)
  • Mrs Law teaches Music
  • Mrs Burch (Thursday)
  • Mrs Roberts (Friday)
  • Email: rainbow2@haddenham-st-marys.bucks.sch.uk


Welcome to the Rainbow page! We are now over half way through the year (where does the time go?) and very much enjoying the better weather. We continue to focus on children’s reading but now with a focus on developing their writing as well!

Please support your child at home by reading with them as often as possible and also working on their letter formation and tricky word writing as well.


Please see our Topic Web’s for this term: we focus our learning on a book for the week. The learning and continuous provision in the class will reflect this. There will be an animal and natural world theme to all the books for this term’s topic ‘Amazing Animals’

Spring – Amazing Animals

Please find the topic web, Amazing Animals, for the first half term in Spring. Please find the topic map below.


Autumn – All About Me

This will focus on new beginnings, starting school, new classes and the people who help for the first half.



We have moved on to Level 3 of our Twinkl Phonics program. Below are the attached sounds the children are learning and the order they will learn them. By the end of term, they would have learnt up to the sound /or/. After the Christmas holidays, we will recap all the sounds learnt to ensure the children are confident in applying them in their reading. We will also have a focus on letter formation and applying these sounds in their writing independently. This sound mat will be put into their reading wallet by the end of the term.



Phonics Workshop

Here are the phonics handouts from the presentation.


Level 2 and 3 Actions



The first day will be on Tuesday 5th September where the times will either be 9.30-11.30 or 12.30-2.30 depending on the letter you received. Please can they come in their school uniform every day this week. They will not have lunch in these sessions but can bring or have one of the school snacks (no nuts please). This is to allow a calm transition into school for the children and the staff to get to know the class. Please email the school office if you haven’t received this letter confirming your child’s time during this week.

The following Monday the whole class will be in for full time: the gates to school open for drop off at 8.50 and registration will be taken soon after this. Pick up is at 3.05. The children will have access to a snack in the morning but are welcome to bring in their own snack. We ask for all snacks to be nut-free and brought in on Mondays in a named container where the children can have one each day throughout the week.


Forest School

  • Rainbows will have forest school on Mondays. Please can they come in with their forest school kit on this day (long sleeve tops and bottoms.

Both Rainbow classes will have Forest School on a Monday, they will need to come to school wearing appropriate Forest School clothes (please see guidance ‘The Magic of Forest School on our website).


  • Rainbows will have PE on Fridays. Please can they come in with their PE kit on Fridays.

Both classes will have P.E. on Friday, children should wear their PE kit for these days. In hot weather, they can wear a T-shirt and shorts, in colder weather they can wear their PE bottoms and PE/School jumper.

Items to have in school

  • Water bottles
  • Coats, jumpers, sun hats as appropriate
  • Change of clothes in a small bag to stay in school
  • Wellies- to stay in school
  • Snacks- to be brought in on a Monday for the week (if possible)
  • Please make sure everything is named


These will be handed out once the children are more settled into their new routines. They will be able to choose a book to take home with them to read with someone at home initially, towards the end of the term we aim to have started the children on our school reading scheme. When this happens we will change their books twice a week


We will begin activating these accounts on the first week back using the Tapestry sheet filled in from the welcome pack. If you do not receive an email from Tapestry confirming this please check your spam and then speak to your class teacher. If your child was in Little Forest Friends your child’s profile should automatically transfer to Rainbows (in theory!) Tapestry is used to share what the class have been up to in the week and any ‘Wow’ moments. Please share what you have been up to or any wow moments on your child’s profile.

Key Dates

Friday 15th September – New parent meet and greet

Tuesday 18th September – Individual Photos

Wednesday 19th- 9.00 am – Meet the teacher

Curriculum Overview

What we will be covering in reception this year:


Sparkling Rules

We will be speaking to children about ‘The Sparkling Rules’ throughout the year, you can link to them here: Sparkling-rules

School Uniform

Please bring in a pair of named wellies for your child to remain in school to be used when the weather gets wetter.

Here is a link to our school uniform information School-uniform


Communication is key at St Mary’s, if there is anything you need to speak to your class teacher about please catch them during drop off or pick up. Or email the school office to arrange a call. For any non-urgent communication e.g. if someone different is picking up or appointments, please email the school office.
