School Uniform
Uniform Requirements
Your child will need a required school uniform which is as follows:
- Jumpers and cardigans: A royal blue cardigan or jumper, this may include the school logo.
- Winter: A grey skirt, pinafore or trousers with white shirt or polo shirt.
- Summer: A blue and white gingham dress or grey shorts.
- Wellies: all children are required to have a pair of wellies in school which stay here for the duration of the school year.
- School shoes: Black smart school shoes.
- PE: children should wear a school logo royal blue school T-shirt, plimsolls or trainers and blue shorts (or tracksuit bottoms in winter). School branded hoodies can also be worn (optional).
When doing PE inside the children have bare feet. For safety reasons long hair must be tied back. For outdoor PE activities plimsolls or trainers are worn.
Children can wear their PE kits on their PE day to school.
- Forest School: On Forest School days the children are not required to dress in uniform. Please ensure that children are suitably dressed for all weathers outside when they are doing Forest School. This means that they may need to bring layers to school.
- Jewellery: Children should not wear jewellery or watches in school.
- Sun hats: In the summer children are required to bring a sun hat to wear. This does not have to be branded with the school logo.
PL School Wear
School logo jumpers, cardigans, sweatshirts, hoodies, PE t-shirts, shorts and sun hats are available to buy from:
- PL School Wear, Unit 1, Goodchild Parkway, Sir Henry Lee Crescent, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP18 0PE
- Telephone: 01296 488 000
- email:
- website:
Nearly New Uniform
There is also a ‘recycled’ uniform service. If you need any items of school uniform, or if your child has outgrown any, then contact members of the PTA or the school office. Sales are held throughout the year.
Please ensure that all items of uniform are named.
We encourage parents to make use of the second hand uniform sales and spend as little as possible on school uniform. If you are finding it financially difficult to provide your child with school uniform then please get in touch confidentially.