Welcome to Haddenham St Mary’s CE School
Our core values:
- Respect
- Honesty
- Forgiveness
- Love
- Compassion
- Friendship
Our DARE system
In our work the children strive to be…
- Daring Diamonds
- Active Amethysts
- Reflective Rubies
- Exploring Emeralds
These underpin our curriculum and our Steps to Sparkle (success criteria) for lessons and learning behaviours
Equality and Diversity Statement
At Haddenham St Mary’s we aim to promote equality and diversity and tackle any form of discrimination. We seek to remove any barriers to access, participation, attainment and achievement.
This is how the staff and Governors implement this:
- We ensure equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school. We develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.
- We work hard to ensure that the quality of the educational provision we deliver is closely matched to the needs of every child. A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum provides equal opportunity for all children to be able to maximise their potential . We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality, by creating an environment which champions respect for all.
- We ensure achievement of pupils is monitored by race, gender, disability and socio-economic background. We use this data to support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching.
- We promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the teaching of the curriculum, with particular reference to equality and diversity by embedding this into the curriculum as a whole through our curriculum drivers and through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond school.
- We promote and enhance community cohesion and a sense of shared belonging in the school and in the school’s neighbourhood by being as actively involved in the local community as possible. We are a village school and proud of our local community.
* This statement underpins all other school policies and documents.