Collective Worship

We are a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School. Collective worship is an important part of the school day giving us the opportunity to come together as a school community, to be part of an experience that is special and separate from other activities. It gives everyone in the school community the opportunity to worship in a way which reflects the Anglican nature of the school. All students attend and staff and visitors to school are very welcome to join in.

Aims of Collective Worship

  • To reinforce our Christian principles
  • To contribute to the spiritual and moral development of all pupils in accordance with our school vision. This is achieved through various ways appropriate to the ages, aptitudes and backgrounds of pupils
  • To provide children with the opportunity to reflect individually on spiritual issues, collectively or as a silent time
  • To value the beliefs of all the children.  Other religions are included and local leaders are invited to lead worship
  • To offer opportunities to worship
  • To enable children to explore and evaluate their own beliefs
  • To provide an opportunity to share worship with parents, governors and members of the local community
  • To support and underpin the Christian values of the school through shared worship
  • To celebrate special occasions in the Church year and the life of the community as well as reflecting some practices and traditions of the local church
  • To show appreciation for the God given gifts and talents of the school community
  • To reflect the Anglican status of the school.

We hold a daily act of collective worship, as part of our whole school daily assembly. On the first Monday of each month collective worship takes the form of family worship in St Mary’s church. Parents, other relations and carers are encouraged to attend. Church representatives also lead collective worship once a week in school.

Collective worship includes a time of prayer and/or reflection, including hymn practice. Prayers include the Lord’s Prayer, prayers written by pupils, and spontaneous prayer led by the children. As the basis for Christian teaching, the Bible is read and discussed during collective worship. Songs are chosen to reflect Bible stories, themes and the school Bible verse.

Schedule of sessions: We have a schedule of daily Collective Worship sessions. These sessions allow the whole school to gather in the hall and reflect.

The Christian Values Group support us with providing a weekly Collective Worship session that follow the ‘Open the book’ scheme. A member of our Senior Leadership team provides a weekly ‘Diamonds in the jar’ session to count up the class diamonds. These are rewarded for good behaviour and work and are part of our behaviour plan. Mrs Collett leads a Friday Collective Worship entitled ‘Sparkling Star’ where certificates are given out for good work and also includes Writers of the Week as well as Lunchtime ‘top table’ reward certificates. There is also 1 other Collective Worship session per week that follows our core value for the half term and is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Singing and praise: Mrs Law provides a weekly singing Collective Worship session. Our main school hymn is called ‘Thy Word.’ Please see the links below for some Youtube links to our most sung and favourite songs:

Wonderful Lord:
Our God is a Great Big God:
Thy Word:
How did Moses cross the red sea?:
The Wiseman built his house on the rock: