Pets for wellbeing
Mary and Edith
Our school guinea pigs travel around different classrooms (with their cage, not just on their own). We have found that the children really love having them in their class and enjoy looking after them.
Missy, the Bedlington Terrier comes into school and visits classrooms she even listens to children read!
There are many benefits to having a dog in school and I know from Missy’s visits the children love it and so does she. Missy has been brought up with children and is extremely well mannered. Infact she just can’t get enough love. Her breed is also hypoallergenic. Find out more about Bedlington Terriers and allergies.
We have risk assessments for both the guinea pigs and for Missy which is why they are allowed on site . Unfortunately, we are not allowed any other dogs or pets on the school site without a specific risk assessment.
If you would like to do any further reading about the benefits of pets in school. This article is quite interesting.