Attendance and Absence

We acknowledge that each family’s circumstances are different and we aim to work with parents to provide the best education for every child. We are all aware that punctuality and regular attendance are crucial to children’s achievement at school and as such we are monitoring all attendance at HSM.

Absence reporting

If a child is absent, the school should be contacted by telephone giving the reason for the absence. Please ring between 8.30 am and 9.00 am and leave a message on the absence line so that we can inform the class teacher.

Please notify us as soon as possible in case of infectious disease or likely prolonged absence. An absence for which no satisfactory explanation has been given is recorded as unauthorised.

Leave of Absence and term time holidays

Forms requesting absence during term time are available from the school office and here: Application for Leave of Absence Form

Serious consideration should be given when taking children out of school as this interferes with the continuity of their education. Apart from exceptional circumstances the local Haddenham Schools policy will record all absence due to holidays as unauthorised.

National expectation of attendance

95% threshold is the national minimum expectation. Falling below 95% attendance will likely have an impact on academic achievement – see the descriptors below.

Above 97%: less than 6 days absence a year
These children have every chance to make really strong progress at school.

95%: 10 days absence a year
These children benefit from strong overall attendance and are well placed to make good progress at school.

90%: 19 days absence a year
Children in this group are missing a month of school per year; it will be difficult for them to achieve their best.

85%: 29 days absence a year
Children in this group are missing six weeks of school per year; there is a real risk that this lower attendance will hinder children’s progress. This level of absence is seen as persistent absenteeism.

80%: 38 days absence a year
Children in this group are missing a year of school over five years of education and are not benefitting from their entitlement to an education. Parents of young people in this group could be issued with a penalty notice.