Our Christian Values Group
Integral to our approach is the Christian ethos of caring for one another in school, in the local community and in society. At Haddenham St Mary’s, every child matters and everyone cares.
Our curriculum, our vision and our values promote and foster fundamental British Values (BV). This BV agenda underpins our Spiritual, Moral, Social Cultural curriculum and our Christian value teaching.
The ‘Christian Values Group’ (CVG) is a group of governors, staff, church representatives, parents and our curate, Trish Mander. The distinctiveness of a church school is that we help to develop ‘all round human beings’. This group aims to promote our school values, enhance children’s education and develop links within the community. The group meets once every half term. If you would like to be a part of this group please let us know. New members are always welcome. You can help in many ways.
One of the responsibilities of the group is to organise family church assemblies. These are usually held on the first Monday of every month and involve the whole school community. All parents are invited to attend. Members of the CVG group also organise teas and coffees at these service and always welcome help with this too.
Prayer art is an activity organised and led by the CVG. The children can choose this as a golden time activity on a Friday afternoon. It is on every two weeks and provides craft activities that aim to encourage the children to pray. It is linked to the story that the children have heard in the previous Monday’s collective worship. Some examples of prayer art are hand prayers where the children draw round their hands and write 5 different things they would like to pray for on each finger. The children have also completed spiral prayers which were hung in the spiritual garden.
Our school bible verse is:
“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119.105)